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The Pennsbury Odyssey of the Mind Association is comprised of individuals who have seen the benefits that OM provides to coaches and students. Individual Board members work in areas such as marketing, finance, promotion, logistics and competition. Over the course of a year, each member contributes over 40 hours of time to this wonderful community service program. If you are interested in becoming involved with the Board, please email us at

Where does POMA fit in?

1. Teams are formed at the district level 

(Pennsbury OM Association, or POMA- that's who we are:


2. Teams start competition on the regional level 

(Southeast Pennsylvania OM:


3. Those teams that get the top 2 or 3 spots advance to compete on the state level 

(Pennsylvania OM:


And finally, those teams that succeed at the state level, advance to compete at the world finals 

(National OM:

Meet Our Sponsors!

Click here to meet the organizations that help 

support POMA

Check It Out!

Click here to view a speech from our superintendant


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Pennsbury Odyssey of the Mind Association (POMA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.   /  PO Box 185, Morrisville, PA 19067

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